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XinLan Coupling Co., Ltd.

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What are the common failures of diaphragm couplings?

Article source: www.gear-reducers.comEditor in charge: XinLan couplingPopularity:1341发表时间:2019-05-16 10:32:41

  Diaphragm coupling已广泛应用于各种机械装置的轴系传动当中,深受人的喜爱,但是它在使用时,可能会有一些故障,一般有哪些故障呢?我们该如何解决呢?下面跟随Coupling小编来了解一下吧:

  1,Diaphragm coupling的品质不是很好

  建议大家可以选择专业正规公司生产的膜片联轴器,该厂家生产的膜片联轴器才能发挥出 稳定的使用效果,也能够满足各种不同行业的使用需求,对于一些非正规厂家生产的质量很差的膜片联轴器来说不仅在使用过程中非常容易出现声响,而且会严重的影响其保护效果。


  如果人家在安装使用的时候出现了一些故障,这对于整体的使用功能会造成一些影响,并且比较容易出现一些危险情况,甚 可能还会导致机械设备出现问题,所以大家如果想要 好的使用效果,并且避免出现严重的声响,建议大家 要能够注意合理的安装,还需要定期进行维护保养。


  If the axial offset angle of the coupling is very large, or the deflection angle is very small, this will cause shaking during the work, and can not achieve a good anastomosis effect, so usually very serious Sound, in view of this situation is very easy to solve, re-install and select the appropriate specifications and models of the coupling, so that the application effect can be good, to avoid various failure problems.


  If you find that the diaphragm coupling has a very serious sound, you also need to consider whether the motor speed code disc is malfunctioning, so you have to disassemble it for inspection. In this process, it is recommended that you be able to choose a professional and regular The team disassembles instead of disassembling at will. We don't have very professional repair ability when we use it, so you must not blindly repair it yourself.

  希望Diaphragm coupling小编的介绍能对您有所帮助,关注我们了解 多关于膜片联轴器、Elastic pin gear coupling的新闻资讯,如果哪些方面不明白,您可以咨询我们,我们会有专业人员为你解答的。